Local Walks/Hikes Committee
Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston Chapter

Committee Standing Rules
(November 2017)

To provide day walks and hikes, outings and allied activities within the Boston Chapter area.

Shall be:
a) Chair
b) Vice-Chair
c) Immediate Past Chair
d) Secretary
e) Treasurer
f) Trip Coordinator
g) Leadership
h) Social Media
i) Social, to coordinate with the Membership Committee
j) Boston Chapter Chair, ex-officio.
The above offices may be combined, with the exception that the Chair cannot serve as Treasurer.

Anyone who is a member of the Boston Chapter.

Chair: To be chosen by LW & H Committee officers, subject to Chapter Chair approval. Term of office to be limited to three years, which may be extended with Local W/H Committee officers’ and Chapter Chair approval. Other Officers: To be chosen by Local W/H Committee officers. Term of office limited to three years, which may be extended with the approval of the Local W/H Committee officers.

The Committee shall hold at a minimum three meetings a year, one must be in person and others can be in person or via conference call. Other meetings may be called by the Chair or by an officer of the Committee with the consent of the Chair.

Oversee the activities of the Local W/H Committee.
Represents the Committee at Boston Chapter Executive Committee meetings, and other meetings, if necessary.
Calls Local W/H Committee meetings.
Presides at Committee meetings or designates temporary Chair.
Oversees other officers.
Fills any office that becomes vacant after consultation with officers.
Prepares and submits an annual report to Boston Chapter Executive Committee.

Assume Chair’s duties in Chair’s absence.
Oversees programming and special events.
May revise, as needed, and distribute to leaders’ guidelines for their operation.
Available for special duties at request of Chair.

Prepares and distributes agenda and notice of meetings.
Keeps and distributes minutes of all meetings.
Keeps roster of Committee officers.
Maintains current Standing Rules.
Available for special duties at request of Chair.

Keeps records of all financial transactions.
Retains fees and donations.
Submits an annual budget to Chapter Executive Committee.
Submits an annual expense and revenue report to Chapter Treasurer.

Trip Coordinator:
Approve trips.
Sends out trip evaluation and release forms to leaders of upcoming hikes and other activities.
Obtains these completed forms from the leaders.
Compiles data from the above forms for Committee records.
Keeps roster of leaders, co-leaders, and prospective leaders with contact information.

Recruit leaders through methods already in place, such as Boston Chapter Leadership training.
Develop and/or oversee other recruitment efforts.
Move potential leaders through the process of training, being paired with a mentor, assistant leads, being granted leadership status, and leader initial trips.
Develop and/or oversee leadership recognition.

Social Media:
Oversee website, except for trip postings, and any other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Coordinates social activities with the Boston Chapter Membership Chair.

Complete AMC Boston Chapter Leadership training, either the day-long option or more extensive version.
Be assigned a Local W/H mentor, who has leadership status, assist in the leading of two trips with the mentor, and receive a recommendation from the mentor, OR obtain a recommendation from a Local W/H Committee officer or a leader with one of the other Boston Chapter Committees.
Submit release and trip reports in a timely manner, no longer than one week after a trip.
Adhere to leadership guidelines.

To take place within a year after a new Chair is inducted and, periodically, at the discretion of the Chair. Any changes to the Standing Rules, must be approved by the Committee officers.

The Standing Rules were discussed and proposed by the Local W/H Committee members in attendance at the October 25, 2017 Committee meeting, for approval by the Committee officers, and approved by the Committee officers November 16, 2017. Revised March, 2018.

Lisa Fleischman
Chair, Local Walks and Hikes Committee
Appalachian Mountain Club, Boston Chapter